ihb Services

LOCTITE - Cleaning Heavy Duty - BONDERITE

Vehicles, industrial facilities and equipment require professional maintenance and safety of the operator. Maintenance extends equipment service lifetimes and avoids long and costly downtimes. In recent years, maintenance has taken on a new dimension, with such work being frequently outsourced to companies offering specific experience and know-how, and using technical and environmentally compatible products from Henkel.

Henkel develops innovative products aligned to the demanding specifications and the latest regulations encountered in modern maintenance work.

Key industries and application areas
Public transport (rail, road),
cleaning companies,
petrochemical plants,
defense engineering,
aeronautic and marine.

Some key applications
Vehicle interior and exterior cleaning,
tank and pipe cleaning,
floor cleaning,
parts cleaning prior to inspection,
paint stripping,
graffiti removal and anti-graffiti protection,
heat exchanger descaling,
hand cleaning

Further downloads, documentation available on request
Source: Henkel Ltd.
webshop: http://shop.ihb.ch