ihb Services

LOCTITE - surface coatings

LOCTITE surface coatings offer maintenance solutions to problems caused by wear, abrasion, erosion, chemical attack and corrosion. They are available in trowelable, brushable and sprayable formulations with special fillers for tough conditions and are ideal for all those large scale repairs that have to last. Typical applications for this product range include air ducts, pumps, heat exchangers, centrifuges, impellers, fan blades, cyclones, pipes, tanks, retention areas etc.

LOCTITE surface coatings provide excellent wear resistance and superior adhesion. Filled with ceramic particles, specific to the different service conditions, they protect against abrasion and therefore extend the service life of a wide range of plant areas and equipment. Their key advantage is their capability to create a sacrificial and renewable working surface, protecting the structural integrity of the original substrate.

One grade has specifically been developed to protect against corrosion and chemical attack. This grade does not contain any ceramic filler and therefore allows a very smooth surface to be created.

Traditional Methods vs Modern Solutions
Traditional repair methods such as hard metal welding or flame spraying are expensive and difficult to use for large surfaces. Alternatively, LOCTITE surface coatings are easily applied on all surface sizes and offer the extra benefit of corrosion protection. In addition they do not create heat stress during their application.

Further downloads, documentation available on request
Source: Henkel Ltd.
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